06 April 2009

Spiral Of Silence.. no more

The spiral of silence is a mass media/communication theory by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann that “asserts that a person is less likely to voice an opinion on a topic if one feels that one is in the minority for fear of reprisal or isolation from the majority.” ( Wikipedia)
I feel that’s a lot like peer pressure in social groups.
Because of this fear of isolation, people only hold conversations with like-minded people or don’t speak their mind at all. However, with the advent of the Internet and its anonymity, this theory has dissolved. People form chat groups and forum threads for a variety of topics; it has made it easier to find people with common interests that one might otherwise be shunned for.
The Internet grants equality within cyberspace. The person on the other end of the chatting session has no idea if you’re black, white, rich or poor. Conversation exists and happens for the sake of conversation, for a chance of being listened to. People bond over having someone to talk to, someone to pour their heart out to. It’s a fundamental human desire, to have someone listen to your ideas, hopes, dreams and fears. The Internet has broken down the barrier of rejection and granted the wish that nerds and princesses can exist in the same space. (much like The Breakfast Club, I feel!)

photo found through Google Images

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